A 12 week 1:1 accelerator to ditch self-doubt, take up space, show up as your true self, and start living in your ‘MORE’
Deep down, you know you’re meant for more..
..Cause girl, why else would you be here reading this.
You know you’re meant for more than just showing up for work every day to bring home the dough, hanging out for the weekends, and feeling like each week is just a repeat of the next.
You want to make an impact, live out your own dreams and have a frickin incredible life that brings you so much joy, passion and purpose.
All while showing up unapologetically as the real you, backing yourself and taking up the damn space so that when you look back on your life you think “far out, I’ve lived a frickin incredible life”
No auto-pilot, no cookie cutter and no “I wish I believed in myself enough to follow that dream of mine”
And I want to tell you..what you’re feeling right now, you’re not alone.
This is for the women who…
❤️🔥 Deep down know they are meant for more. Maybe you know what that more is, maybe you don’t…but you’re so done sitting on the sidelines watching other women shine their brilliant, juicylicious light and being their unapologetic self. You’re ready to step into your ‘MORE’
❤️🔥 You so deeply want to make an impact, to live out your dreams and stop living the cookie-cutter life…no more playing small. You’re here for the Big Bold energy.
❤️🔥 You want to know what your intuition feels like..hell, you want it to be you guiding compass. No more asking others for their opinions
❤️🔥 You want to take up space, own who you are (quirks and all), speak your truth, back yourself, trust yourself, love yourself and be the confident, unapologetic real you.
Imagine in 12 weeks time…
🔥 Girrrl you’re confidently showing up every day as the real you (quirks and all) without caring what people think because you know who you are and you frickin love every single part of you.
🔥You’ve found your voice and she wants to SPEAK HER TRUTH! You know your voice is so powerful.
🔥You’re taking up space, saying ‘yes’ to knew opportunities and know the more you are your authentic self, the more impact you will have.
🔥 Your intuition has come alive! No more looking externally for the answers, no more asking others for their opinions. You trust yourself every damn time and use it as your compass to lead you in the right direction.
🔥You’re backing yourself 1000% and take bold action towards living and breathing your purpose.
🔥 Life just feels so much damn easier, it’s like things are now flowing when it used to feel so hard.
🤤 What She Says 🤤
12 week accelerator program
Fortnightly 1:1 coaching calls (via Zoom)
Human Design reading to unlock your authentic self (via Zoom)
2 x Energy Healings to rewire and remove the very things stopping you from being your true self and holding a successful business
1 x follow up call 2 weeks after program ends to continue momentum
1:1 access to Chantel via chat (Voxer app) guided in between our calls
Access to additional tools and trainings to accelerate your confidence and stepping into your “MORE”
What’s included
$2,555 AUD
3 x $855/month
Who is Chantel?
I am so frickin passionate about women becoming the powerful, badass that they are, living a juicy joyful life, showing up as their unapologetic self and living out there God given purpose..the very thing they were put on this earth to do.
In my early 20s I developed a chronic illness and severe anxiety that I grew so ashamed of. I was already a chronic people-pleaser who shifted and morphed myself just for people to like me and this was the straw that broke the camels back…my confidence was destroyed and I’d completely lost who I was.
BUT what kept me going through all the tears, doubt and “why is this happening to me” moments was this feeling that I was meant for MORE.
I wanted so badly to make a real difference in the world. To leave my mark. I had no idea what that more was, or even if I could make it happen, but I knew I had to follow that feeling.
And it’s that feeling that has led me to where I am now. A life I am so passionate about and in love with. I’ve healed the parts I was once ashamed of, found the most supportive husband I could ever dream of, created soul-aligned friendships who get me, left my 9-to-5 to follow my heart, started my business ANDDDD most importantly I feel so blessed because I am now living out my purpose…I am living in my “MORE”!
Oh, and I know exectly who I am and own it every damn day 😘
If you’re ready to start backing yourself, believing in yourself, seeing yourself for the frickin incredible woman that you are and step into the woman you’ve always dreamed of, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. It's time to become the woman you deeply desire to be and create a fulfilling, purpose-led life full of passion, purpose, and authenticity. It’s time to step into your power baby!